For authors

Requirements to Papers Submitted to the Proceedings of  the  Mozhaisky  Military Space Academy

A scientific paper offered for publication in the Proceedings of the Mozhaisky Military Space Academy must contain a new solution of an up-to-date scientific problem worded in a structured form, logically and consistently. It must begin with an Introduction  that gives a general characteristic  of the problem considered  as well as its significance and novelty. The Introduction  must also contain  a brief estimate of the state of the previous studies in the field in question with reference to the papers of the predecessors.

The first section of the paper must be devoted to verbal and mathematical formulation of the scientific problem considered and to the method of its solution within the framework of  methodology of the corresponding theory. The following sections should contain  the solution offered by the author with necessary   illustrations and commentaries  as well as the results of the experiments conducted (if any experiments took place).

The paper should end with a Conclusion. In the Conclusion  the results of the solution of the problem considered must be presented, the conclusions made must be  formulated relating to practical application of the results obtained and to the direction of further research. After the Conclusion the list of sources  referred to in the paper  must be given.

Order of Submitting Papers and the Paper Submitting Guidelines

Before preparing a paper for submitting to the Editorial Board it is necessary to study   the paper submitting guidelines and the list of subject headings. To have the paper published in the “Proceedings of the Mozhaisky Military Space Academy” the author should send the following documents addressed to the Deputy Chief of the Academy for Science and Academic Affairs:

  1. a letter with the request to have the paper published in the “Proceedings of the Mozhaisky Military Space Academy”;
  2. the text of the paper;
  3. expert finding concerning a possibility of open publication of the paper;
  4. extract from the protocol of the meeting of the department or research subdivision containing recommendation to have the paper published in the “Proceedings”;
  5. information about the author or authors (further – author): family name, first name, patronymic (full variant); position occupied, academic degree, academic status; post address of the organization, its telephone number and E-mail address;
  6. bibliographical references, abstract and keywords in English;
  7. name of the subject heading from the following list:
  • System analysis and simulation;
  • Communication, control and navigation;
  • Collecting and processing information;
  • Information security;
  • Information support;
  • Development and Maintenance of Weapons and Materiel;
  • Problems of Military Education;
  • Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences;
  • Discussions and Events.

The paper is typed according to the following rules:

  1. The text is typed in the program Microsoft Word in the format “*rtf”;
  2. Tables, drawings and diagrams are black-and-white. The minimum line thickness should be not less than 0.1 mm. The minimum density of the underhue should not be less than 15%;
  3. The number of pages should not exceed 10, including drawings, tables and bibliographical references;
  4. The text should be distinct and contrasting. Type Times New Roman, size 12 pt., indention 0.5, hyphenation is obligatory;
  5. Formulae are included as Microsoft Equation objects 2.0 or 3.0. Formulae, drawings and photos are included into the text of the article;
  6. Illustrations are black-and-white;
  7. Page 1 contains:
    – In the left-hand upper corner – the initials and family name of the author (font size 12 pt.);
    – Lower, in italics – academic degree and academic status of the author (font size 9pt, in italics);
    – Lower, in italics – the name of the organization and its address (font size 10 pt.);
    – Two lines lower, in the left-hand side – the title of the paper in capital letters without underlining (font size 14 pt., semi-bold type, no hyphenation, indention from the margin edge 0.5);
    – Abstract in Russian should be given one line lower after the title of the paper. Keywords should constitute a separate paragraph (font size 10 pt.)
    – The text of the paper begins two lines lower   than the abstract and the keywords.
  8. The list of the sources used is arranged in accordance with GOST 7.12-93 “Bibliographical note …”, GOST 7.1-84 “Bibliographical description of a document”. The positions are numbered according to the sequence of references in the text.
  9. The paper is transferred into the “pdf” format and typed using laser printer. After that the quality of printing of all the details of the drawings, formulae, tables and diagrams is checked;
  10. The paper and the accompanying documents are posted and sent to the E-mail address in the “*rtf” and “*pdf” formats   with the note “For the Department of Military Technical Information”.
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